Thursday, March 12, 2009

Questions Hard times now

1. How does a person make money on an investment?

Buy something at a cheaper price than you sell it.

2. What makes 'cheap credit' mean?

The economy is going really well and you can get a loan. It means that their is alot of money available. Anyone can go in and get a loan.

3. What is 'buying on margin' mean?

You only have to put 10% of the cost down and you can get a loan for the other 90%. This is a very risky thing to do.

4. How is 'speculation' different from 'investment'?

Speculation is short term buying just for a profit but when your investing its because you believe in the product.

5. How does 'panic selling' start?

It starts when there is a sudden drop in confidence.

6. How can high unemployment start a negative economic cycle?

If people don't make money then they dont spend money. If people don't spend money then the companies dont get money for their products. When they dont get money then they have to lay people off because they're not making enough money then it goes back to people no having money so they don't spend it.

7. How did increases in technology contribute to overproduction in the 1920's?

If you wanted to make something then you have to hire people and you're people more wages to people. When you hire someone then that person can buy the your product and you can make more things with the same people that you have, without hiring anyone new.

8. What is meant by 'uneven distribution of wealth? Is it a bad thing?

There are more poor people then there are rich people. The middle class had to work for wages. Yes it is a bad thing because there are more rich people then poor and people over rule you.

9. What is a tariff, and why don't they seem to work in the modern economy (post-WWI)?

A tariff is an extra tax that you have to pay for imported goods. Its different then it is now.

10. What is 'rugged individualism? Is it real?11. What is a Hooverville, and why is it called that?

Relying on ourselves it fix the econoomy. No, you cant do something like that youself.

11. What is a Hooverville, and why is it called that?Places where lots of people that are homeless and get together.

Places where lots of people that are homeless and get together.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Weekly Reflections

I was only here for one out of three of the classes. Which was the class that we talked about the 1920's. We talked about child labor and Evolution and Religion. I think that the class that i was there for this week wasn't very exciting. All we did was get a leture about the 1920's. I didn't think it was that good of a class.

All three classes this week we talked about World War II. Talked about different dates during World War II & also peral harbor was a big topic. These classes were more intersting than the past weeks, because of the Peral harbor video. Over all it was a alright week, and i think i got stuff out of it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Flags of our Fathers

After reading the book Flags of our Fathers by James Bradley, it's not very hard to realize that this book is a symbolic towards the United States history. Flags of our Fathers takes place during World War II these men that are so symbolic in the story are marines that are fighting in Jima Japan which is a very violent battle. The thing that these six men learn is the roles of leaders. It's hard for them to go back to there home country an fill the roles of hero's. This is a very big part of the United States history, this one symbolic picture of these men end up being a very big symbol toward the history of the United States. Looking at what these men did for this country, it's a pretty big thing. They ended up being leaders to people they didn't even know. It is a very big part of the United States history.

There ended up being three survivors out of the six that raised the flag on top of Mount Suribachi, they brought the three survivors back to the United States to raise funds for war. This was bringing hope to people of the United States after just coming out of a Great Depression. This was making them have a very big hero status to the people of this country. After awhile they started having problems with each other over the hero status. It was hard for them to keep up with the status that they were given. This wasn't there choice to be the hero's that everyone looked up to after the Great Depression. Having to stick out being a hero and be a role model for the United States was something they had to work for, in the end it made them better people.

To always be the hero and never the bad person in the situation is hard for some people. During this book they show how hard it really is to become hero's and to stay hero's. The image of a hero was big at this time. They were just coming out of the Great Depression and it was something that they needed at the time. Always be the hero, not the bad guy was a mod they needed to stand by at the time. Being hero's of this time was something very hard to do, in the end they proved that they could handle it and that the United States did really need them to stand up and take the role of the hero.

Flags of our fathers give you a very different perspective on what the United States was like back during the Depression. This book shows how different things really were, and how badly they needed something to pull them out of this slump. Most people thought of these men as hero's. They were a big part of the recovery of the United States after the Great Depression. These men proved that there was a way, even though it was hard for them. They proved that there was a way. If you were a outsider looking in on this situation, you probably would of said the same thing. The United States need a image of a hero for everyone to look up to. These men proved that it was what they needed.

This picture of these men posting the flag brought hope to the United States. It also showed that this is a major part of the United States history, this picture will be displayed and shown for a very long time. Also this book was easy at showing what the United States needed at the time. This was a very important even in the United States history or even all together. It was something that the States needed to fix things.