Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exam #2

The War on terror started BoldSeptember 11, 2001 with the attack on the United States. This was an attack that Afghanistan and iraq bombed the twin towers, pentagon, and atamped to bomb the white house, but ended up hitting a feild in Vigrina. After this happened, president Bush took charge, he said that the United States will hunt down and punish the people responseable for this event. Osama bin Laden was the one in charge of this event and invloved in this entire thing. The bombers were men that trained in a air plane school in Florida, that tought them how do get control and fly a plane. There were alot of people missing and alot of people dead cause of this event. The United states wanted to show that they weren't going to allow this to happen, and that they are tough. There are two ways this could of gone, either President Bush could of either declaired War on Iraq or they could of not. President Bush declaried war on Iraq and not long after there were American troops in these counrties.

There are many things said that are the reason that they have attacked the United States. There were things said like they thought that the freedom of the United States were not right, they thought that the we should be musilum like them. There were other things said like they attacked us because we wanted the oil that they had.

There are also reasons why we invated iraq. President Bush told the United States that there were wepaons of mass distration. That was the main reason that we went into iraq, the president told us that. Come to find out there were no wepaons of mass distration. We were going over to iraq to be in a war with them and try into slove there problems. This was a matter that we as the United States didn't need to get into. The United States shouldn't of gotten into anything with iraq, there were not real traces from the men that hay jacked the planes to the iraq people, yes they were from there but no one really knows if anyone in iraq was invloed in this.

President Bill Clintion was the best president out of George H. W. Bush and Grorge W. Bush. There were many things that Bill Clintion did that shows he was a better president than either George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. Both of the Bush presidents were around for the war on tarrisom. They both were part of the war of tarrisom. Both of the George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush were connected to the war on tarrioms.

1990 Long peace
foregign policy technological development societal events describe how they relate to this title discuss specific examples of each theme assert a position that relates each theme to the title "the long Peace"

What does the "long peace" mean?
3 themes from the power points
events that happened in the 1990's.

The "long peace" was ment

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