During the 50's and 60's there wasn't very much technology around. The most technology they had was video cameras. There video camera took a very big part in the 1960's, this video camera caught the shooting of John F. Kennedy. This changed history by having the video of that day. Without the guy that taped this and him having this camera, there wouldn't be proof of this seen. Which makes it a large part of the changing in technology during this time. Also there have been more events in history that have proven that technology has a very big part in our history. As in the hanging of Saddam Hussain. This was another turning point in the history of technology, having a cell phone that could video tape the seen of Saddam Hussain. Unlike the iraq governoment, this tape has sounds showing what they were saying to Saddam Hussain, the goverment wanted it to look like it was just a easy and fast killing and had nothing to do with names calling. Which the technology of the cell phone proved that this wasn't the way that it all went down.
Martin Luther King was one of the major civil rights leaders of his time. Martin Luther King was a inspirational speaker, he spoke about how blacks should have there rights. and also how badly they were treated. He was the type of leader that made all types of people understand where he was coming from. Martin Luther King was a very big leader by his speeches. He is still known for the words he spoke years ago. Huey Newton was a co-founder and leader of the black panthers. This was a african american organization established to promote Black Power, civil rights and self-defense. He was a very violinet person, but he lead by example, being the co-founder of the black panther, and leading this he was more of a action tpye of leader. Malcolm X was a very big part of the movement in civil rights, He worked with Martin Luther King witht he movement. He was an African-American activist leader who had pride for the Black race.
The goal of the Soviet Union was spread world-wide Communism, there was a iron curtian in place between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union wanted nothing to do with the United states, just because they weren't communest. The two different political systems of the two different countries prevented them from reaching a agreement, and settling things between them.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I understand what happened the day of John F. Kennedy muder. John Kennedy was assassined November 22, 1963 at 12:30 p.m in Dallas, Texas. John Kennedy was 45 years old at the time of his death. He was shot 3 times, by Harvey Oswald. He was the lone gunmen, shot twice in the head and in the neck. There were three total shots in under 9 seconds.
I didn't really think that there was only one shooter. It is really hard to believe that Harvey Oswald was the only shooter in this sisuation. Is there real proof that there was only one gunmen? And Was it really that big of a deal to shoot a president just because he was well liked? Would there of been a different outcome in those years of presidence if Jonh Kennedy wasn't shot.
I want to know was this expericence moving, did it bother you personaly? This was something that effected out country, and i was wondering if it affected alot of people or was it just blowen over. I think that the theroy of the lone gunmen is imposible, just because of three shots gone off in 9 seconds. That's not really believeable that one person did that. Also, more than this one man had to of known what was going to happen. Harvey Oswald had to of told someone in his planning of this.
There isn't much of a differnce between this muder and the presiency now. With Barack Obama as our new president, and john kennedy as the president than there are many things that are the same. The thought of assassintion now is a very big thought. This is just like John F. Kenndey presidency he was well liked, but Barack Obama would get assassined because of being well liked it would be more of a reason that hes black, not well liked.
I understand what happened the day of John F. Kennedy muder. John Kennedy was assassined November 22, 1963 at 12:30 p.m in Dallas, Texas. John Kennedy was 45 years old at the time of his death. He was shot 3 times, by Harvey Oswald. He was the lone gunmen, shot twice in the head and in the neck. There were three total shots in under 9 seconds.
I didn't really think that there was only one shooter. It is really hard to believe that Harvey Oswald was the only shooter in this sisuation. Is there real proof that there was only one gunmen? And Was it really that big of a deal to shoot a president just because he was well liked? Would there of been a different outcome in those years of presidence if Jonh Kennedy wasn't shot.
I want to know was this expericence moving, did it bother you personaly? This was something that effected out country, and i was wondering if it affected alot of people or was it just blowen over. I think that the theroy of the lone gunmen is imposible, just because of three shots gone off in 9 seconds. That's not really believeable that one person did that. Also, more than this one man had to of known what was going to happen. Harvey Oswald had to of told someone in his planning of this.
There isn't much of a differnce between this muder and the presiency now. With Barack Obama as our new president, and john kennedy as the president than there are many things that are the same. The thought of assassintion now is a very big thought. This is just like John F. Kenndey presidency he was well liked, but Barack Obama would get assassined because of being well liked it would be more of a reason that hes black, not well liked.
Book Portfolio
The Art of the Lathe was written by B.h. Fairchild, It's the kind of book you don't want to put down its good. The Art of the Lathe was a book full of poems, which were about factory life, the good and bad things that happen. This book shows you how there's always going to be bad and good in everything you do. Like working in a factory your hole life you would think that there wouldn't be anything good that comes out of it. In the Art of the Lathe there are many things shown that are good. The historical part of this book connects back to the days where everything was made with factories and everyone depened on them for everything. In this book it talks about different peoples expericences with of factories. There are alot of things from this book that would give you a perspective on different things. There are alot of things talked about.
This book has alot to do with the historcal events during the days where everyone worked in factories, and when they made very little money for doing so. From one of the poems in the book which was called smoking, it talked about when they'd go out and smoke and how it was such a popular thing that was done. Everyone during this time was a smoker because they didn't know how bad it was for you. Most of the book focus on the work of the middle class. Things like machine shops and oil fields of rural Kansas. The Art of the Lathe's main focus was on teaching about how different life use to be and showing how that in any life time there are always means for living your life. These people in the Art of the Lathe didn't have much to live for, but they showed how one little thing could help them get through a bad time.
Having diffculties when living wasn't something that people of this century just came upon. This is something that has been going on for a very long time. Having a hard life is something that people from all generations have had to deal with, like during this book everyone had something they had to work through. The Art of the Lathe teaches alot of thing, one being that hardship is a very hard thing to deal with, everyone has to deal with it and it's been around for ever. The poems from the Art of the Lathe really how the hardsips, like in the poem Hitchcock it shows how living in all of these new places can be hard but it can always get better. No matter what century you live it there's always going to be something you'll have to deal with thats hard to do.
When reading this book it makes you think about the different things you have gone through, like how people have help you through hard times. Like in this book pretty much everything they did was a hard time just because of the day and age they were living in. Most of the peoms wouldn't talk about this directly, it would be shown by the way the people were acting towards things that they had to do.
The Art of the Lathe was a book full of poems, about factory life the good and bad things that went on. The history of the book came in when it was shown that everyone and everything was in the olden days. It was easy to tell what day and age they were in, just because of some of the things they did. Having a hard time with life in general is something everyone has to go through in this book it's a little more to deal with sence this is there hole life. The importance of realizing that hardship is something that you can grow from is a big thing. When reading this book you can tell that these people had no hope. Having hope and knowing that theres going to be an end to the bad, is the best thing to think about.
This book has alot to do with the historcal events during the days where everyone worked in factories, and when they made very little money for doing so. From one of the poems in the book which was called smoking, it talked about when they'd go out and smoke and how it was such a popular thing that was done. Everyone during this time was a smoker because they didn't know how bad it was for you. Most of the book focus on the work of the middle class. Things like machine shops and oil fields of rural Kansas. The Art of the Lathe's main focus was on teaching about how different life use to be and showing how that in any life time there are always means for living your life. These people in the Art of the Lathe didn't have much to live for, but they showed how one little thing could help them get through a bad time.
Having diffculties when living wasn't something that people of this century just came upon. This is something that has been going on for a very long time. Having a hard life is something that people from all generations have had to deal with, like during this book everyone had something they had to work through. The Art of the Lathe teaches alot of thing, one being that hardship is a very hard thing to deal with, everyone has to deal with it and it's been around for ever. The poems from the Art of the Lathe really how the hardsips, like in the poem Hitchcock it shows how living in all of these new places can be hard but it can always get better. No matter what century you live it there's always going to be something you'll have to deal with thats hard to do.
When reading this book it makes you think about the different things you have gone through, like how people have help you through hard times. Like in this book pretty much everything they did was a hard time just because of the day and age they were living in. Most of the peoms wouldn't talk about this directly, it would be shown by the way the people were acting towards things that they had to do.
The Art of the Lathe was a book full of poems, about factory life the good and bad things that went on. The history of the book came in when it was shown that everyone and everything was in the olden days. It was easy to tell what day and age they were in, just because of some of the things they did. Having a hard time with life in general is something everyone has to go through in this book it's a little more to deal with sence this is there hole life. The importance of realizing that hardship is something that you can grow from is a big thing. When reading this book you can tell that these people had no hope. Having hope and knowing that theres going to be an end to the bad, is the best thing to think about.
Space Race
We engaged in this space race so that we could orbit the Earth and find out new things. We wanted to be the frist on the moon. The United States wanted to not just be the frist at this, they wanted to be the only ones that went to the moon. We wanted to do something that was not easy something that was hard. This was a waste of time and a waste of money. We could of used the mosey that we used on something else that was more important. This was pointless and I think that it could of been done differently. We didn't have to go to the moon it was a waste of time and money.
The next thing that we should focus on is getting our country out of debt. This is something way more important because that's something that we need to do. We're spending our money on going to the moon that isn't even that important. When people just wanted to see it and see what it was like, this money could of saved things like health carem, and alot of other things that are not very good. We should spend our money on importantness, not on something that people want to look at and see what its like. We should concentrate on the more important things, not the foolish things.
The next thing that we should focus on is getting our country out of debt. This is something way more important because that's something that we need to do. We're spending our money on going to the moon that isn't even that important. When people just wanted to see it and see what it was like, this money could of saved things like health carem, and alot of other things that are not very good. We should spend our money on importantness, not on something that people want to look at and see what its like. We should concentrate on the more important things, not the foolish things.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Exam #2
The War on terror started
September 11, 2001 with the attack on the United States. This was an attack that Afghanistan and iraq bombed the twin towers, pentagon, and atamped to bomb the white house, but ended up hitting a feild in Vigrina. After this happened, president Bush took charge, he said that the United States will hunt down and punish the people responseable for this event. Osama bin Laden was the one in charge of this event and invloved in this entire thing. The bombers were men that trained in a air plane school in Florida, that tought them how do get control and fly a plane. There were alot of people missing and alot of people dead cause of this event. The United states wanted to show that they weren't going to allow this to happen, and that they are tough. There are two ways this could of gone, either President Bush could of either declaired War on Iraq or they could of not. President Bush declaried war on Iraq and not long after there were American troops in these counrties.
There are many things said that are the reason that they have attacked the United States. There were things said like they thought that the freedom of the United States were not right, they thought that the we should be musilum like them. There were other things said like they attacked us because we wanted the oil that they had.
There are also reasons why we invated iraq. President Bush told the United States that there were wepaons of mass distration. That was the main reason that we went into iraq, the president told us that. Come to find out there were no wepaons of mass distration. We were going over to iraq to be in a war with them and try into slove there problems. This was a matter that we as the United States didn't need to get into. The United States shouldn't of gotten into anything with iraq, there were not real traces from the men that hay jacked the planes to the iraq people, yes they were from there but no one really knows if anyone in iraq was invloed in this.
President Bill Clintion was the best president out of George H. W. Bush and Grorge W. Bush. There were many things that Bill Clintion did that shows he was a better president than either George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. Both of the Bush presidents were around for the war on tarrisom. They both were part of the war of tarrisom. Both of the George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush were connected to the war on tarrioms.
1990 Long peace
foregign policy technological development societal events describe how they relate to this title discuss specific examples of each theme assert a position that relates each theme to the title "the long Peace"
What does the "long peace" mean?
3 themes from the power points
events that happened in the 1990's.
The "long peace" was ment

There are many things said that are the reason that they have attacked the United States. There were things said like they thought that the freedom of the United States were not right, they thought that the we should be musilum like them. There were other things said like they attacked us because we wanted the oil that they had.
There are also reasons why we invated iraq. President Bush told the United States that there were wepaons of mass distration. That was the main reason that we went into iraq, the president told us that. Come to find out there were no wepaons of mass distration. We were going over to iraq to be in a war with them and try into slove there problems. This was a matter that we as the United States didn't need to get into. The United States shouldn't of gotten into anything with iraq, there were not real traces from the men that hay jacked the planes to the iraq people, yes they were from there but no one really knows if anyone in iraq was invloed in this.
President Bill Clintion was the best president out of George H. W. Bush and Grorge W. Bush. There were many things that Bill Clintion did that shows he was a better president than either George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. Both of the Bush presidents were around for the war on tarrisom. They both were part of the war of tarrisom. Both of the George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush were connected to the war on tarrioms.
1990 Long peace
foregign policy technological development societal events describe how they relate to this title discuss specific examples of each theme assert a position that relates each theme to the title "the long Peace"
What does the "long peace" mean?
3 themes from the power points
events that happened in the 1990's.
The "long peace" was ment
Monday, October 27, 2008
A year without "Made in China" written by Sara Bongiorni was a book teaching about how much good we sell in the USA that are manufactured by China. Sara Bongiorni learned from this experiment of only buying things from that were "Made in China" that most of the imports are coming from china, and as her being an American she wants to be able to buy things manufactured by her home country. This Book shows that the United States is taking in more goods than they are giving out, if China is over powering every other goods maker than how much longer will this go one. Or is China going to be the sole provider of goods to the United States. This is Showing the United States citizens that we are importing goods from other places, and also that we are giving away jobs that could be used in the United States for the people here, instead of just giving them up to the Chinese just because it's easier done. Sara Bongiorni learned from doing this, was that she couldn't go to certain stories because everything that they sold was china products, also she learned that most of the things that she normally buys are from China.
Most everything is manufactured by China, this is giving money, power and more jobs to them.
Why would the United States what to do this? Sara Goes around buying just "made in China", One example is she was looking for shoes for her son, his feet had out grown this old ones. She went out looking for these shoes and couldn't find any for over a week, everything she looked at was either "Made in China" or way to expense to buy for a really young kid. Sara Bongiorni still let things come in the house that were made from China as long as they were gifts, she let her husband have a pair of sunglasses that someone had given him. This would still be letting the money sent on something "made in China" come into there house. Giving more money out to China. Handing all of this money over to them is great for them, they pay there workers very little, and the rest is profit. Another thing that had happened to Sara was, she had puarched a Lamp out of a magazine when it said it was made from a country other than China, her thinking it was ok, she bought it after getting the lamp and looking it over, the lamp wasn't made my China but other parts that came with the lamp were. The significance of this from the book is that, our country is buying and selling alot of things that are made from china, this is giving out more jobs and more money out to the Chinese. Most people wouldn't think this is such a good things.
Somethings have always been manufactured in China, like Children's toys. But China has grown into a place where almost everything is being made. As the times have past most everything is being made there now. Even some United States company's have moved over seas. Before most everything moved over to China, there were more business in the United States, this has hurt our economy some by letting some of our jobs and money move to a different country. Things like this are hard to go through when someone here loses there job. Over the years China has grown from a very small country for manufacturing things to the top Country. This isn't a very good thing for the United States to let happen. This is giving money out that could be put into our economy. The more we buy from them the bigger there going to grown, and the smaller the United States is going to become as a exporting country. This is something most people don't realize, what they buy is effecting out country, the money that's being sent out of our country to be paid for these things they we all buy. The biggest part of this is that people don't even realize where the things that they buy come from, and more than anything they don't care.
My Option on this was it was a great experiment for someone to do, this shows that there are alot of things that can't be from made by another play than China. If you can't even find something like a simple pair of shoes that are not Chinese than how do you expect to buy something like a toy. This shows that there are to many things being just shipped over to China to be made, things that were being made here and just were given to China because they can make it for less money. China is going to sooner or later over power everyone else, and is going to control everything just because the United States and alot of other countries depend on them for the simplest things. I think that we shouldn't be just handing over our jobs to other countries, there is giving away jobs pretty much for free. My Perspective on this is that we should keep our jobs, our money and our independence, and be able to stay our own country.
Most everything is Manufactured by China, this is giving money, power and more jobs to them. Somethings have always been manufactured in China but as the time has past more and more things have been given to them just because they can make something cheaper. This is a major part in our economy, this shows that our country doesn't really care about who we give jobs money or power to. We just want it done the cheapest way. This is really important that people in this country realize these things, most people don't even know where they buy there daily items from. It's really hard to rebuild an economy when no one knows there's anything wrong.
Most everything is manufactured by China, this is giving money, power and more jobs to them.
Why would the United States what to do this? Sara Goes around buying just "made in China", One example is she was looking for shoes for her son, his feet had out grown this old ones. She went out looking for these shoes and couldn't find any for over a week, everything she looked at was either "Made in China" or way to expense to buy for a really young kid. Sara Bongiorni still let things come in the house that were made from China as long as they were gifts, she let her husband have a pair of sunglasses that someone had given him. This would still be letting the money sent on something "made in China" come into there house. Giving more money out to China. Handing all of this money over to them is great for them, they pay there workers very little, and the rest is profit. Another thing that had happened to Sara was, she had puarched a Lamp out of a magazine when it said it was made from a country other than China, her thinking it was ok, she bought it after getting the lamp and looking it over, the lamp wasn't made my China but other parts that came with the lamp were. The significance of this from the book is that, our country is buying and selling alot of things that are made from china, this is giving out more jobs and more money out to the Chinese. Most people wouldn't think this is such a good things.
Somethings have always been manufactured in China, like Children's toys. But China has grown into a place where almost everything is being made. As the times have past most everything is being made there now. Even some United States company's have moved over seas. Before most everything moved over to China, there were more business in the United States, this has hurt our economy some by letting some of our jobs and money move to a different country. Things like this are hard to go through when someone here loses there job. Over the years China has grown from a very small country for manufacturing things to the top Country. This isn't a very good thing for the United States to let happen. This is giving money out that could be put into our economy. The more we buy from them the bigger there going to grown, and the smaller the United States is going to become as a exporting country. This is something most people don't realize, what they buy is effecting out country, the money that's being sent out of our country to be paid for these things they we all buy. The biggest part of this is that people don't even realize where the things that they buy come from, and more than anything they don't care.
My Option on this was it was a great experiment for someone to do, this shows that there are alot of things that can't be from made by another play than China. If you can't even find something like a simple pair of shoes that are not Chinese than how do you expect to buy something like a toy. This shows that there are to many things being just shipped over to China to be made, things that were being made here and just were given to China because they can make it for less money. China is going to sooner or later over power everyone else, and is going to control everything just because the United States and alot of other countries depend on them for the simplest things. I think that we shouldn't be just handing over our jobs to other countries, there is giving away jobs pretty much for free. My Perspective on this is that we should keep our jobs, our money and our independence, and be able to stay our own country.
Most everything is Manufactured by China, this is giving money, power and more jobs to them. Somethings have always been manufactured in China but as the time has past more and more things have been given to them just because they can make something cheaper. This is a major part in our economy, this shows that our country doesn't really care about who we give jobs money or power to. We just want it done the cheapest way. This is really important that people in this country realize these things, most people don't even know where they buy there daily items from. It's really hard to rebuild an economy when no one knows there's anything wrong.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Articles of Confederation
One of the big reasons that the Articles of Confederations failed, was because most people thought that the rules were making certain people above other people. There were some that thought that this was making the government the most powerful thing, and the people in it had all of the power kind of like the king did. And most moved from England just to get away for the rulers, which told them the only things that they could do.
After the Articles of Confederations had failed, the founding fathers held this big meeting called the Constitutional Convention which was in 1787. The major goal of this Convention was to find something that was going to work out for this country. They wanted to find another system of government that was going to work unlike the Articles of Confederation. Some of the states didn't want anything changed because they wanted to have as many rights of there own to decide on. This was one of the major obstacles that they had to make it through.
During this Convention they decided to add to the Articles of Confederation, this was going to be another system of government added on to the Articles of Confederation. This Consisted of a lot more rights and ways that the government was going to work, as in the way the system would work how everything between the brunches would be equal with not one being more powerful then another.
George Washington
At the time of George Washington becoming a president, there weren't any type of political parties. He was elected without being apart of a political party, and without having any in place. This ment that there was only one choice for president, he wasn't like everyother president we have had in this country. George Washington had a big part of the starting of the political parties, concitering he was the frist president of the United States. George Washington also believed that the political parties did not best serve the people's interests.
After is preidencey of George Washington there were two parties developed, the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The Federalists believed in a strong government ruled by wealthy eduacted people. George Washingotn was in favor of the Federalists parties. The Anti Federalists were people who believed in not ratifying the Articles of Confederation and were not in favor of the same ideas as the Federalists, they didn't want weathly people controling the goverment. They wanted people that weren't going to take over. They thought that the Federalists had alot more power. Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the Federalist party, and Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the Anti- Federalist party.
After the Articles of Confederations were changed, there goverment was formed into a three branch system, this would make it so that the one branch of the goverment couldn't over through and other part. So that every branch was equal in different ways. They made a congress made up of the senate and house of representives. The people of the house of representives would serve for 2 years, and be elevted by the people of the states. There should be 2 senators from each state, that should serve for 6 years, also have to be over the age of 30. The Legislative branch will have to Revenue Bills, Go through the process of having a bill pasted by the senat, but the president can alway veto the bill.
The Executive Branch is made up of the president and the vice president. Which both will have a term of 4 years, also have to be a born citizen of the United States to become the president. The president has civilian powers over the military, he also has his cabinet of people he has apointed. Also the president, vice president or any of this men may be Impeached for conviction of Treason.
The Judical Branch is made up of a supreme court, also some other courts. All judges get to hold there offices as long as there is good behavior. This means that as long as there are not convited of treason they will not be kicked out of office. These judges of the Supreme court and anyother court serve for life, unless convited of bad behaivor. Everyone is given a trial by jury, they are made there rights thought this branch. They also made it very had for someone to be convited of treason, saying that they would have to go to war if they were convited treason.
One of the big reasons that the Articles of Confederations failed, was because most people thought that the rules were making certain people above other people. There were some that thought that this was making the government the most powerful thing, and the people in it had all of the power kind of like the king did. And most moved from England just to get away for the rulers, which told them the only things that they could do.
After the Articles of Confederations had failed, the founding fathers held this big meeting called the Constitutional Convention which was in 1787. The major goal of this Convention was to find something that was going to work out for this country. They wanted to find another system of government that was going to work unlike the Articles of Confederation. Some of the states didn't want anything changed because they wanted to have as many rights of there own to decide on. This was one of the major obstacles that they had to make it through.
During this Convention they decided to add to the Articles of Confederation, this was going to be another system of government added on to the Articles of Confederation. This Consisted of a lot more rights and ways that the government was going to work, as in the way the system would work how everything between the brunches would be equal with not one being more powerful then another.
George Washington
At the time of George Washington becoming a president, there weren't any type of political parties. He was elected without being apart of a political party, and without having any in place. This ment that there was only one choice for president, he wasn't like everyother president we have had in this country. George Washington had a big part of the starting of the political parties, concitering he was the frist president of the United States. George Washington also believed that the political parties did not best serve the people's interests.
After is preidencey of George Washington there were two parties developed, the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The Federalists believed in a strong government ruled by wealthy eduacted people. George Washingotn was in favor of the Federalists parties. The Anti Federalists were people who believed in not ratifying the Articles of Confederation and were not in favor of the same ideas as the Federalists, they didn't want weathly people controling the goverment. They wanted people that weren't going to take over. They thought that the Federalists had alot more power. Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the Federalist party, and Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the Anti- Federalist party.
After the Articles of Confederations were changed, there goverment was formed into a three branch system, this would make it so that the one branch of the goverment couldn't over through and other part. So that every branch was equal in different ways. They made a congress made up of the senate and house of representives. The people of the house of representives would serve for 2 years, and be elevted by the people of the states. There should be 2 senators from each state, that should serve for 6 years, also have to be over the age of 30. The Legislative branch will have to Revenue Bills, Go through the process of having a bill pasted by the senat, but the president can alway veto the bill.
The Executive Branch is made up of the president and the vice president. Which both will have a term of 4 years, also have to be a born citizen of the United States to become the president. The president has civilian powers over the military, he also has his cabinet of people he has apointed. Also the president, vice president or any of this men may be Impeached for conviction of Treason.
The Judical Branch is made up of a supreme court, also some other courts. All judges get to hold there offices as long as there is good behavior. This means that as long as there are not convited of treason they will not be kicked out of office. These judges of the Supreme court and anyother court serve for life, unless convited of bad behaivor. Everyone is given a trial by jury, they are made there rights thought this branch. They also made it very had for someone to be convited of treason, saying that they would have to go to war if they were convited treason.
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