Thursday, December 18, 2008

Exam 3

During the 50's and 60's there wasn't very much technology around. The most technology they had was video cameras. There video camera took a very big part in the 1960's, this video camera caught the shooting of John F. Kennedy. This changed history by having the video of that day. Without the guy that taped this and him having this camera, there wouldn't be proof of this seen. Which makes it a large part of the changing in technology during this time. Also there have been more events in history that have proven that technology has a very big part in our history. As in the hanging of Saddam Hussain. This was another turning point in the history of technology, having a cell phone that could video tape the seen of Saddam Hussain. Unlike the iraq governoment, this tape has sounds showing what they were saying to Saddam Hussain, the goverment wanted it to look like it was just a easy and fast killing and had nothing to do with names calling. Which the technology of the cell phone proved that this wasn't the way that it all went down.

Martin Luther King was one of the major civil rights leaders of his time. Martin Luther King was a inspirational speaker, he spoke about how blacks should have there rights. and also how badly they were treated. He was the type of leader that made all types of people understand where he was coming from. Martin Luther King was a very big leader by his speeches. He is still known for the words he spoke years ago. Huey Newton was a co-founder and leader of the black panthers. This was a african american organization established to promote Black Power, civil rights and self-defense. He was a very violinet person, but he lead by example, being the co-founder of the black panther, and leading this he was more of a action tpye of leader. Malcolm X was a very big part of the movement in civil rights, He worked with Martin Luther King witht he movement. He was an African-American activist leader who had pride for the Black race.

The goal of the Soviet Union was spread world-wide Communism, there was a iron curtian in place between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union wanted nothing to do with the United states, just because they weren't communest. The two different political systems of the two different countries prevented them from reaching a agreement, and settling things between them.

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