Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ronald Reagan was called the president "who ended the cold war" because he was the one in office when it ended. He got credited for this event because of that. This is significant because this made Reagan look like a really good president. He got reelected for his second term which was close to when the Cold War ended. He was credited for this being the biggest significant thing that he had done, it made him widely liked throughout the country. Sense all of this happened during Ronald Reagan's presidency he was credited with the defeat of the Soviet Union, this was a big step for the United States. Ronald Reagan got together some type of plan that would make the Soviet Union to back out, and that would end the war. The Soviet Union thought that this would put the entire world in jeopardy.

One of the biggest president scandals happened in 1974, which included president Nixon. It all went down right before he got into his second term. He sent men into spy on the campaign of the other candidate. Which ended up back firing on him in the end, he ended up leaving office instead of getting impeached. This is important in U.S. history because he never really got in trouble for this. People thought that him leaving the office was enough of a punishment.

Another big president scandal was with president Clinton, when he had a affair during his presidency. He never really got in trouble for his it was really the only thing that happened during this time. Which made it seem bigger than it really was. He talked his way out of it ended up getting out of all of it.

These two scandals are different by how President Nixon got pardon so that he wouldn't get in any trouble for his mistake. When president Clinton didn't really do anything by law that was wrong, he only lied about having the affair.

-During the watergate event, when the men broke into Democratic campaign headquarters they got ignored by all of the press and everyone to do with the news. Later to find out that they were sent there by president Nixon. This was something that people didn't know at the time, but later found out that it was a plan of Nixon. Now this event is view by people the mind of people hasn't really changed. Most people of this time either thought Nixon should of been taken to jail for his actions, or he got off with a big enough punishment of droping out of office.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Malaise and Carter

(yellow)what the real threat to America is, according to Carter, and is that threat still with us today?

--The Problem is much deeper than gasoline lines or energy shortages its more than inflation. This is a moral and a spiritual crisis. There are problems like importing oil that is inflated, we are using more than we have for energy. The biggest problem american is facing is fundamental threats to americas democracy. This problem is a problem of confidence in the United States. This is a problem that the united states is dealing with on very large terms, this is a whole nations type thing. The confidence of this nation is gone down very low, people here don't believe in there country they don't believe that the governemnt is doing all that they can for them. It's a problem that has existed sence there has been a democracy in the United States. This lowering in confidence is a social and the political fabric of America.

(red)summarizing what Carter is saying about American society, and analyzing America today against his critique.

--Cater is saying the the American society is consuming material things thinking that they are going to help them find meaning to there life. This country is not about what someone does, its about what they own. This buying of goods doesn't change how we as a country have no confidence. Cater also says that the future is going to be worse than the past, people of this country are not saving for the future they are just doing what they want to do. 2/3 of the United States weren't even voting at this time. He also says that there is a going disrespect for schools, churchs, the news and alot of other things. This isn't much different than what is going on now, there isn't as many people that arnt voting but there is still disrespect for things like churchs and school. Most people discriminate againist things that they do not do. This is a problem now as it was during the time that Cater was president.

(green)How do the plans differ, and how are they alike? How do their plans reveal what they think the problem really is?

--Cater said that the nation wasn't going to use more oil than it did in 1977, he wants to be able to produce what this country needs for oil instead of depending on other countries for it. He wanted to stop foreign oil depencany right in its tracks, he wanted to cut it in half so that they could make it through the 80's. This would save 4 1/2 million dollars.
Obama said he wanted to provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pump, Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East, Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars can get up to 150 miles per gallon on the road by 2015, built here in America.
The problem is that we use to much foreign oil and also that we depend on other countries way to much for things that we should be able to produce here in the United States.

Nixon Research

How is Richard Nixon is such a hated person now, when he won his second election by a land slide?

During Richard Nixon second presidency he did things that the country didn't like, things like price controls of foods. This was something that wasn't favored by the people or business people. He also tried to control the prices and amount of oils and natural gases, and he also increased he pay of federal employee. These are some of the events leading up to the people of this country hating Richard Nixon. The biggest thing that went on that made this country hate Richard Nixon was Watergate. This was a misson set up by the president Richard Nixon, he had 5 people go undercover and break into a hotel in Washington D.C. which just happened to be the Democratic Campaign Headquarters. After Richard realized he was going to get impeached, Nixon announced his Resignation. The reason for Nixon winning this election by so much and than ending up being the most hated president, it as the little events like the rise of food cost, oil, gas and the pay of federal employees. And the Largest part of this happening of people hating him is Watergate.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Reagan Questions

What are the problems America faces?
People in this country are materialtic
The infalation of the economy is really bad because of the way our tax system is set up. The more money you make per year the more tax the government is taking out of you.
The government is to big, it takes to much of our money. Its into our lives to much. They have to much control over the money.
If you can't take care of yourself you can't take care of someone else.

What are Reagan's solutions?He wants to cut taxes, so that you will have more money in your pocket.
(if the government takes in less taxes in there not going to be able to provide with the progams that they did)
He wants to make the government reduce in size, and not make it so controling over everything and everyone.

What makes Reagan effective here?
Everyone likes it when hes funny, he has a sence of humor.
one of the best ways to be effectice is to be funny.

What does this reveal about Reagan?
Hes a funny person.
He doesn't take things personal and he just laughs it off.
He only believes that this is all the dem. fault and the rep. are always right.

What poilcy decisions might Reagan make according to this?
He wants to spend money on peace, he wants to not fighting peace through fire power, strength.
you get peace when the powers are to powerful to mess with. No one wants to mess with the country because the military is really strong which brings peace.
leads to poilcys about budget, defeting the soviet union and ending the cold war.

How did this event effect Reagan's role with the American Public?
This kind of made him a hero, he took a bullet for America. This was all within his frist year of this presidencey.

Who is the audience for this speech?
The audience is church group

What is the argument Reagan makes here?
Commnuists are very bad. He would rather have his daughters die now at a young age than grow up and die not believing in god, having them turn commnuist.

What do you think Reagan's agenda is in this speech?
label both sides equal of it all
he wanted them to stick with him because of the communist and didnt want them to