Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Malaise and Carter

(yellow)what the real threat to America is, according to Carter, and is that threat still with us today?

--The Problem is much deeper than gasoline lines or energy shortages its more than inflation. This is a moral and a spiritual crisis. There are problems like importing oil that is inflated, we are using more than we have for energy. The biggest problem american is facing is fundamental threats to americas democracy. This problem is a problem of confidence in the United States. This is a problem that the united states is dealing with on very large terms, this is a whole nations type thing. The confidence of this nation is gone down very low, people here don't believe in there country they don't believe that the governemnt is doing all that they can for them. It's a problem that has existed sence there has been a democracy in the United States. This lowering in confidence is a social and the political fabric of America.

(red)summarizing what Carter is saying about American society, and analyzing America today against his critique.

--Cater is saying the the American society is consuming material things thinking that they are going to help them find meaning to there life. This country is not about what someone does, its about what they own. This buying of goods doesn't change how we as a country have no confidence. Cater also says that the future is going to be worse than the past, people of this country are not saving for the future they are just doing what they want to do. 2/3 of the United States weren't even voting at this time. He also says that there is a going disrespect for schools, churchs, the news and alot of other things. This isn't much different than what is going on now, there isn't as many people that arnt voting but there is still disrespect for things like churchs and school. Most people discriminate againist things that they do not do. This is a problem now as it was during the time that Cater was president.

(green)How do the plans differ, and how are they alike? How do their plans reveal what they think the problem really is?

--Cater said that the nation wasn't going to use more oil than it did in 1977, he wants to be able to produce what this country needs for oil instead of depending on other countries for it. He wanted to stop foreign oil depencany right in its tracks, he wanted to cut it in half so that they could make it through the 80's. This would save 4 1/2 million dollars.
Obama said he wanted to provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pump, Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East, Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars can get up to 150 miles per gallon on the road by 2015, built here in America.
The problem is that we use to much foreign oil and also that we depend on other countries way to much for things that we should be able to produce here in the United States.

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