Friday, February 6, 2009

Reagan Questions

What are the problems America faces?
People in this country are materialtic
The infalation of the economy is really bad because of the way our tax system is set up. The more money you make per year the more tax the government is taking out of you.
The government is to big, it takes to much of our money. Its into our lives to much. They have to much control over the money.
If you can't take care of yourself you can't take care of someone else.

What are Reagan's solutions?He wants to cut taxes, so that you will have more money in your pocket.
(if the government takes in less taxes in there not going to be able to provide with the progams that they did)
He wants to make the government reduce in size, and not make it so controling over everything and everyone.

What makes Reagan effective here?
Everyone likes it when hes funny, he has a sence of humor.
one of the best ways to be effectice is to be funny.

What does this reveal about Reagan?
Hes a funny person.
He doesn't take things personal and he just laughs it off.
He only believes that this is all the dem. fault and the rep. are always right.

What poilcy decisions might Reagan make according to this?
He wants to spend money on peace, he wants to not fighting peace through fire power, strength.
you get peace when the powers are to powerful to mess with. No one wants to mess with the country because the military is really strong which brings peace.
leads to poilcys about budget, defeting the soviet union and ending the cold war.

How did this event effect Reagan's role with the American Public?
This kind of made him a hero, he took a bullet for America. This was all within his frist year of this presidencey.

Who is the audience for this speech?
The audience is church group

What is the argument Reagan makes here?
Commnuists are very bad. He would rather have his daughters die now at a young age than grow up and die not believing in god, having them turn commnuist.

What do you think Reagan's agenda is in this speech?
label both sides equal of it all
he wanted them to stick with him because of the communist and didnt want them to

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