Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ronald Reagan was called the president "who ended the cold war" because he was the one in office when it ended. He got credited for this event because of that. This is significant because this made Reagan look like a really good president. He got reelected for his second term which was close to when the Cold War ended. He was credited for this being the biggest significant thing that he had done, it made him widely liked throughout the country. Sense all of this happened during Ronald Reagan's presidency he was credited with the defeat of the Soviet Union, this was a big step for the United States. Ronald Reagan got together some type of plan that would make the Soviet Union to back out, and that would end the war. The Soviet Union thought that this would put the entire world in jeopardy.

One of the biggest president scandals happened in 1974, which included president Nixon. It all went down right before he got into his second term. He sent men into spy on the campaign of the other candidate. Which ended up back firing on him in the end, he ended up leaving office instead of getting impeached. This is important in U.S. history because he never really got in trouble for this. People thought that him leaving the office was enough of a punishment.

Another big president scandal was with president Clinton, when he had a affair during his presidency. He never really got in trouble for his it was really the only thing that happened during this time. Which made it seem bigger than it really was. He talked his way out of it ended up getting out of all of it.

These two scandals are different by how President Nixon got pardon so that he wouldn't get in any trouble for his mistake. When president Clinton didn't really do anything by law that was wrong, he only lied about having the affair.

-During the watergate event, when the men broke into Democratic campaign headquarters they got ignored by all of the press and everyone to do with the news. Later to find out that they were sent there by president Nixon. This was something that people didn't know at the time, but later found out that it was a plan of Nixon. Now this event is view by people the mind of people hasn't really changed. Most people of this time either thought Nixon should of been taken to jail for his actions, or he got off with a big enough punishment of droping out of office.

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